

Frank van Laerhoven (coordinator)

Frank van Laerhoven holds a Ph.D. in public policy from Indiana University (2008), where he worked under the supervision of Elinor Ostrom – the 2009 Nobel laureate (economics). He is Associate Professor of Environmental Studies at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development (Utrecht University). His interest and experience include work on common pool resources and the solving of collective action dilemmas. (For more, see Frank’s LinkedIn profile page or his UU profile page.). Frank is one of the PhD supervisors of Badrul Hasan.

Kazi Matin Ahmed (Coordinator BD)

Professor Dr. Kazi Matin Ahmed of the Department of Geology, University of Dhaka is a leading researcher on groundwater in Bangladesh with focuses on impacts of urbanization on groundwater; microbiological contamination of groundwater from onsite sanitation; occurrence and mitigation arsenic contamination in groundwater; occurrence and mitigation of salinity in groundwater. You can access Professor Matin’s DU profile page here. His Research Gate profile can be found, here. More information about his work can be found, here. Matin serves as supervisor for the PhD projects of Risalat Rafiq, Imran Hasan and Floris Naus.

Mark Bakker

Mark Bakker is a professor in Computational Groundwater Dynamics at Delft University of Technology. In this project, Mark will supervise the modeling of the recovery efficiency and subsurface flow of MAR systems. New groundwater tools will be developed to assess potential recovery efficiencies and predict the performance of alternative MAR system designs. More information on Mark’s research can be found here. Mark supervised the PhD research of Imran Hasan.

Shantanu Majumder

Shantanu Majumder is a faculty member in the Department of Political Science at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He received the MSc and PhD from the University of London. Shantanu’s research interests include the political economy of local governance, good governance, democracy deficit, civil society, state and human rights, and South Asian politics. Shantanu’s PhD project supervision tasks regard the work of Badrul Hasan in particular.

Boris van Breukelen

Boris van Breukelen is an associate professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of TU Delft in the Netherlands. His research aims to improve the mechanistic understanding of water quality changes in natural and engineered environmental systems with the goal of evidence-based water resources management. For more details, visit Boris’ profile page. Boris supervises the PhD research projects of Risalat Rafiq and Imran Hasan.

Paul Schot

Paul Schot is an associate professor affiliated with the Department of Sustainable Development of Utrecht University, The Netherlands. He is trained as geohydrologist and works in the field of environmental sciences. His expertise and interests cover, among other things, hydrology & water management, and decision support systems. Paul’s profile page can be accessed here. Paul supervises the PhD project of Floris Naus

Jasper Griffioen

Jasper Griffioen has a part-time chair Water Quality Management at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development (section Environmental Sciences) at the Faculty of Geosciences of Utrecht University. He is also an expert researcher at TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands. For more details, visit Japser’s profile page. The PhD research of Floris Naus is supervised by Jasper.